Friday, October 24, 2008


This is the most interesting thing I've read in a long time. The sad thing about it, you can see it coming.
I have always heard about this democracy countdown. It is interesting to see it in print. God help us, not that we deserve it.
How Long Do We Have?
About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. from dependence back into bondage"
And where do you think we are today?


jenifer oyler said...

Wow dad! That is true sad and scary! Isn't the prophesy that our constitution will be hanging by a thread? I think we are already hanging. I hope that thread doesn't break. Feels like were hanging on for dear life sometimes!

The Gage Cage said...

When America elects a Pres that refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag........

Jessica Havican said...

Such a sad thing our country is coming to. We are following the patterns of a socialist country and will soon find ourselves failing and wondering how it all happened. If only people weren't so greedy and all about the instant gratification. If only others understood that we aren't bigots trying to demean homosexuals, but rather God fearing people who are only trying to protect the sanctity of families. When all is said and done, at least we can say that we stood up for what we believe.

Good to hear from you Brother Z and I still remember my seminary days. Although, I dragged my feet at first, I'm so very glad that I had the experience of going. My senior year, in seminary, is when I gained a testimony of Joseph Smith. So did make a difference in at least one of your students life. Thanks!! :-)

grandpaz said...

Jessica, thanks for your thought provoking comments and sweet words. You have turned out to be a wonderful young lady and I’m sure your mother is proud. I am so please to see your testimony grow and mature. I'm very happy you turned out to be conservative too. Thanks for making my day and may God bless you in all of your righteous desires. Bro. Z